Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Via Thought Catalog: Screw New York!

This post from Thought Catalog just made me laugh out loud multiple times in a very populated Starbucks. It's so true it hurts a little.

I could add a couple things:

Screw New York for getting me to a place where I feel pretty indifferent about the mouse that lives under my stove.
Screw New York for rendering me most likely incapable of ever wanting to do my own laundry, let alone anyone else's, ever again.
Screw New York for having so many incredibly ambitious and talented people living on one island that I'm simultaneously impressed and annoyed with almost everyone I meet.
Screw New York for convincing me that Central Park might be all the nature I really need in my life to survive here for many years without going insane.

Any of you readers out there have any great love/hate New York emotions?
Vent! It feels good, I promise.

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